The Fugitive.
Utter gloom stood overnight. Leal, without stopping, rain, with strong gusts of wind. In this way through the night, bad weather, running figure. Bare feet in the grass man confused, torn by what skin of the legs, its spiky stems. Chain with shackles on his hands betrayed rang. From the clothes he was wearing a dirty loincloth. Behind the fugitive heard the barking of dogs chasing him. Lai was interrupted, apparently the rain and the wind not only prevented the fugitive. Running man staggered from fatigue.He fell, stumbled, but the desire for life raised him to his feet, not looking on the exhaustion of the body. The dogs were running the war, rattling arms and shouting curses. The fugitive was heading to the woods, to which had about a hundred yards, he thought that the thicket of his salvation. Wood seemed to be solid and impenetrable as a wall. It is often almost invisible shine, shine lights resembling eyes. Fugitive overcoming fatigue broke through the solid wall of branches inside the forest. Thus, even more scratched legs and exhausted body. Not paying attention to increasing pain, he continued to delve into the depths of the forest. The man was afraid to look. He felt that the dogs are about to seize him and tear. Not thinking about the pain, he gave all the powers of the run. Venturing into the woods, he did not notice how dark silhouettes with small flames were closing around him. Fugitive looked at his pursuers. Dark Thicket enveloped him on all sides. The forces had left him, and he fell unable to rise. Fierce dogs, overtaking runaway boy, whined and stood rooted to the spot in front of the forest. They whined, looking toward the woods, but then the chase, did not dare. Heard the cries of soldiers recall their dogs.- All that we do not continue to run. Said one of his pursuers, apparently older. This kid is already dead. If he ran into the woods, it means that we will not have to spend time on his murder. Dense forest, it will do for us. It is safe to report that the fugitive is dead
In the woods.
Somewhere deep in the impenetrable dense forest was artificially carved glade, with most of this fortress. On all sides of the field was dug a large depth and width of a few meters of ditch half full of water. Across the ditch in two places were thrown drawbridges connecting the castle to the forest and mountain range. Forest surrounded by the artificial island of land on three sides. On the fourth side of the ridge began with a narrow passage between the mountains. On top of the fortress, surrounded by a stone wall, with a courtyard and outbuildings was laying a magical dome. By creating a further line of defense, starting from the forests and mountains. Just a magical dome-barrier could protect from the elements and serve as a light at night, changing the intensity of its glow. Under
the high vault of wood, standing almost in the middle of the fortress,
hid under the branches of a small round hut, very reminiscent of the
observation tower. Such
observation towers were built, towns, castles, fortresses, so that you
can see enemies before they come to the walls of the city. Here she was on a high, a mighty oak. A bright light lit up the grass and flowers, does not penetrate through the crown of the tree. Lookout house was protected from the wind and the heat under the tip of a mighty oak. There was a fresh breeze, bringing sweet scents of forest plants. The whole island was a fortress, and its size, it looked like a small village. Despite the size of the island it was only a few buildings. The
walls around the perimeter of the fortress had a stone ledge with a
wooden railing, which gave the opportunity to patrol the perimeter, and
protection from the walls in case of attack. The entire area was paved with stones of the fortress of rocks with a smooth surface, which is found only in big cities. The exceptions were the areas under the garden, driving range, and paddock for horses. Just all kinds of beds, with flowers and unusual herbs. When viewed from the side of the forest, the yard looked like this. It had a rectangular shape, divided into two parts the track. The
road connects, skirting both sides of a tree standing in the middle of
the yard, two lifting bridge between them, and divided the territory
into two equal-sized parts. The track was paved in light stone. On the right side of the territory along the stone wall, was a training ground, oval in shape. Beside her in the side of the gate leading to the mountain pass located the required size corral for horses. In
the forest from the training ground located a shooting range, had
occupied the rest of the territory, between the road and stone wall to
the gate. On the left side of the tree stood was built in two storey stone house with a smooth, laid out processed stone walls. To him led away from the road a stone staircase with carved wooden banisters, marching to the balcony on the second floor. Balcony
served as part of the first floor, enclosed by wooden railings around
the perimeter between the stone pillars, serves as a support for the
canopy glass balconies. Stone went on a wooden balcony balcony around the house shingles, which enabled a larger view. At
the rear of the structure of the walls of the house before the walls of
the fortress was stretched rope bridge that connects the wooden balcony
with a wall of the fortress. That, at any time in case of danger could chop off. On the rock side of the balcony, a summer kitchen with a stove, a round table, calculated on a large number of seats. The
roof of the house was covered with glass to metal inserts in the form
of a pointed cone with a high metal pin, aimed at the sky. At the end of the probe was located a faceted crystal ball, a bright green color. From him in different directions stretched the rays connecting it with the magical dome. On the left side of the house was built large wooden bath adjacent to the wall of the fort, and situated on a stone dais. Before it was an artificial pond with deep walkways coming from the bath. Further along the perimeter of the fortress was situated the garden gate leading up to themselves in the woods. To the right of the house, the stables were located, and then another garden.
Inside the house, one of the rooms on the bed lay a boy of sixteen. His body was long and skinny, covered with solid scratches, scars. Shackle tore the skin, leaving deep scars. The boy moaned and raved, sighing heavily. Long blond hair matted, dirt and blood. The room was above all an alchemical table with all sorts of flasks. Near this table is something stirring, the old man worked. He had a long gray beard and hair are the same. He stood with his back to the boy and said, as he opened his eyes. An old man in overalls examining the fluid in the devices, periodically glancing at the book lying next to the table. Doing it in the notes, the old man muttered something to the guy does not know language. The boy tried to move quietly, but his body responded severe pain.- And ... already awake? This is very good. Suddenly, for the kid, said the old man, without turning around. Do not be surprised in my good ear. Lasted a few days your delusional state. I tried to remove your shackles and treated the wound, but you started to scream and thrash about. Then excuse me, of course, I had to forcibly you drink a decoction of herbs. Then I processed your wounds, restore your broken arm, took off his shackles, and made the shot.- What kind of injection? What is injected? Not understanding the meaning of the word, a little boy asked.- Too long to explain. Quickly replied the old man. The most important thing that you came to. Elder went on to say with a smile on his face. Now you need to get better. From your wounds will be no trace of it, I'm telling you. As a pafastno said the elder, who for his age too quickly and confidently move. It is for something quickly began to explain how a kid broth, as he rubbed and the wound. Then, suddenly, looking at the kid's eyes, paused, sighed and said. E, May, ... how much I have to tell you, to explain. Although I am glad, very glad! You have no idea how important it is for me, but ... that's me all about himself but about yourself ... - How are you son? How is a relation to the chal he said. What troubles you? How are you feeling? That's another thing. Continued the old man with a smile, and winking little boy. Approaching the table, he took a glass vial with a liquid. Then another glass and poured the liquid from the bubble. Then the boy held out a glass. Drink this will remove the pain and destroy the spirits. The boy with surprise all that is happening automatically took a glass and drank its contents. The boy somehow imbued with the confidence of the old man. Yes, I would not treat people, and then slack off, I thought a little boy.- How now? Asked the old man.- Dry mouth was. Boy replied.- You see, you're kidding. Delighted the old man. So, it goes on smoothly. Soon the pain will go away. Now, to become easier, you can go swimming, and then if you want, tell me what happened to you. The little boy thought for what is - time. He did not want to remember what it was but a stone throw from the heart, reprimand, it is necessary. In addition, the drug began to act, and the pain disappeared somewhere. His head was clear and he was bailiff of the bed, he asked.- Where you can swim?- We organize everything. Replied the old man. Do not be afraid, be at home! Maltsev encouraged them an old man. At the same time get to know those who have brought you here. Doug! He called. Not what has happened. Then the old man stood up, walked to the door and pressed a small stone on the door jamb. After that, sat down, placing a chair beside the bed where the boy lay. After a considerable period of time is not the boy heard the front door opened. There were heavy footsteps, entered the room, great physique, tall black wolf. He was standing on two legs like a man in his enormous height. He was wearing leather pants free. The boy with amazement and fear fell. Well, that was a bed for him. Just for her, he fell and buried in the skins, veils served. Boy, that there are forces shouted.
- Help!- I'm sorry kid. Orobev, Doug began to apologize.- You what? Absolutely crazy? The old man shouted at him. - He's barely, barely, came to his senses. Dress up a hoop. Absolutely, we become estranged from the people. Blame the old man said. The Wolf Man pulled out his gold hoop pants. Putting it on the neck, he defended himself to blame. Speaking of that, accustomed to strangers in the house no one there. Besides, they say, he was putting napilennye logs, which are easier to carry a wolf, prick. Hearing this conversation, looking at the speaker's wolf boy trembled, not what is not understood. While the boy was confused, Doug wearing a hoop, and shaking his head, became a man. Just a little bit shorter, though it is not conspicuous. His human dimensions could also catch up with fear in anyone. With a bare-chested tough, grooved muscles, it looked awesome.- Take it easy kid. Maltsev patting on the head, the old man tried to stop him trembling and sobbing. Doug blame her head down and walked out. He soon returned with a bubble, holding his old man. An elderly stranger gave the kids were drinking the liquid, after which he quickly calmed down. Forgive us, eh? Smiled the old man. We live here too long without people who are not accustomed to visitors. But when we do not offend you. A firm voice, said the old man, smiling and helping the kid get up. The boy came, in itself, slowly calming down. As he did not shy away from a man-wolf, he had to accept. Since the run was not much, but the medicine has helped to calm down. Plus, the smell of sweat, forced the boy to go for water treatment. He resigned to fate.-Uncle Doug? Timidly asked the boy. Can I have other clothes?- Do not worry, everything is there. Calmly persuaded him to a wolf.They left the house on a stone balcony. We went down the stairs and turned to the right. After passing between the pond and the house, they found themselves in front of a log large bath made master of his craft.-Come to the bathhouse. Politely suggested Dogan, giving way Maltsev. There you will find everything you need.- Thank you! Here's another ... thank you for saving me, not allowing to die of his wounds. Bowing to the ground, said the boy, referring to the wolf in human form.The boy opened the door, went into a spacious dressing room. Undressed and went into the steam room. What flavor was in the bath. Immediately it was seen flooded with skill. The smell of wood, needles, some kid is not usual for incense, soothed, possessed soul and body to water procedures. The little boy sat comfortably at higher lags, showering, and water of a plesnuv scoop on the stove. He leaned back, lying down at full length, looking forward to a pleasant bliss.
In the fortress.After the bath the boy dressed in unusual clothes for him, among which there were T-shirts, pants, and returned to the house. Old clothes he had as he was, said cast into the furnace bath. When he entered the house, he was invited to go to the dining room. Seeing a richly laid table, he was a little surprised. Around a large round table, stood twenty-one chair. Can be another nineteen wolves? Thought to myself, boy. Maybe the old man head the pack? The guy looked at the old man's neck, do not see the hoop, he calmed down a little. Now sitting on the bed, he slowly began to remember last night. Remembering his escape, he remembered the lights in the woods. When falling in a swoon, lad saw the dark figure surrounded him. That means, why does not the pursuers followed him into the woods. He recalled how soldiers from the camp cautiously looked toward the woods, when they broke up their camp. Now, in memory of all the horror stories have surfaced about the Hundred Acre Forest, which retold the fire of war. If I wanted to kill, it would not have been so welcome. The boy drove the terrible memories. Turning his attention to a table laden with dishes, a little boy forgot all fears. If I am destined to die, he thought, let it be on a full stomach. While he pondered, Doug set the table, walked over to him, stretching out in the open palm of a vial of viscous compound.- Here, this smear cream after dinner. He said, and went into another room. The old man continued to read something, holding a book in front of him. Wolf has returned with a samovar, hoisted it on the table, asked the assembled people at the table to start dinner.- The others did not wait? Timidly asked the boy, nodding at the chair.- Others will be too late. Replied the old man. Today gain, if somebody wants you to look. Typically, there are twelve people in the castle, train, go about their business, have a rest. Six patrol the forest, they in turn change as teams. One Dane, he is always with me our senior squads. All you see yourself. Now
you ask a young man is slowly and gradually, otherwise everything will
be bad ... you have not eaten a couple of days and stomach could not
withstand. I understand you have many questions, but later, when you go and relax.- I understood. Nodded the boy.- I would also like to know your name young man?- My name is Egor. Blushing, embarrassed, replied lad.- Very nice. I am Vladimir Verlat. Yet they call me a witch and my name frighten naughty children. I tell all the stories about me fiction. Children
are my weakness, but the guilty adult, do wickedly in this world ...
making a meaningful pause, the old man twisted his face. I teach them to mind, mind. Dagan you already know. Now, all of Bon Appetit. Wished the old man.- Thank you chorused the others.At the end of each meal started his own business. Doug began to get out, Vladimir, went out on his own business. Egor, smeared with ointment, and lay down to sleep, on the advice of elders. The little boy curled up comfortably in a ball, wrapped it brought a wolf, a patchwork quilt. The boy fell asleep, untroubled sleep of a child.Waking cheerful, full of energy, Igor said that his wounds miraculously healed. Minor scratches was not at all, and the scars have almost disappeared. A sense of gratitude for the care, warmth, shelter, overcame a kid all the fears and doubts. He's in his later years had already forgotten that it happens, that kindness still exists. Few went away after a dream, the boy noticed that lying on the bed in the spacious common room. Where these beds for another twenty. Apparently, it was moved here, while he slept, thus giving him a rest. The old man probably did not want to disturb him, conducting his experiments. Yegor got up deciding to look around, and at the same time find a sink. The house was roomy inside. As the boy had time to notice, furnish the basic material in some rooms was a tree, creating a comfort against the stone walls. But the stone walls, too, did not give the feeling of heaviness or darkness, because they were white. What betrayed light rooms with high-transparent roof. The house turned out to five rooms. Spacious entrance hall, with two ladders. One led to the roof, which as it turned out, was an observatory. Another staircase from the hall was on the first floor, where the barns. The house has settled, the total bedroom, large dining room that served as living room, kitchen and a room of Vladimir. In the room the old man, who served as his office and a bedroom with a fireplace, just woke up the first time Yegor. The office was filled with different books and things unknown guy, although he has seen a lot. When I was a slave to a shopkeeper in a military unit, from which only recently escaped. Dining room, bedroom and general were connected passage.
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